Tag Archives: letter to editor

Sample Letter to Editor, Disability Service Provider

Dear Editor, 


Issue 17 on the November 7 ballot is essential not only to the individuals served by the Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board (Summit DD), it is also critical to our local economy. As a small business owner operating in Summit County, I manage [state which service, residential, transportation, day program] which serves individuals eligible for Summit DD services.


As a partner agency of the Summit DD, my business relies on funding from the Board. This funding supports the operations of our [state which service, residential, transportation, day program]. [State specific benefit]. If Issue 17 fails, our ability to continue to provide these services and employ direct care professionals will be in jeopardy.


The passage of Issue 17 in November locks in the amount collected through 2030 and is calculated on Summit County homeowners’ current property valuation, not the increased valuation that becomes effective in 2024.


Vote YES for Issue 17 on or before November 7 to help disability service providers like myself continue to work with Summit DD to empower people of all abilities. A vote for Summit DD is a vote for me!




[Partner Agency] 

Sample Letter to Editor, Parent

Dear Editor, 


As a parent of a child with developmental disabilities, I would like to urge everyone to vote for Issue 17, Summit DD’s replacement levy. Summit DD supports thousands of neighbors like myself and my [child].


My son [daughter] is one of the more than 5,000 individuals in Summit County served by Summit DD.  Because of Summit DD, my son/daughter [State specific benefit].


If Issue 17 fails, critical services my son/daughter depend on could be in jeopardy and people who are newly eligible would need to wait for available funding. Passing the levy in November locks in the value the tax is calculated on at today’s value, not the increased value effective in 2024.


I urge you to vote YES on Issue 17 on or before November 7. By voting YES for Issue 17, you’re empowering more than 5,000 children and adults with disabilities to live a healthy, safe and equitable life. It is critical to pass this levy in order to maintain the essential services that impact the lives of thousands of individuals and families, just like mine, across Summit County. A vote for Summit DD is a vote for me!





Sample Letter to Editor, General Public

Dear Editor,   

Issue 17 is on the November 7 ballot to replace Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board (Summit DD) 4.5 operating levy originally passed in 2005. The levy will fund critical services for more than 5,000 children and adults with developmental disabilities from 2025 – 2030. 

Summit DD has operated for 17 years without increased revenue while serving 30% more people. If passed, it will cost homeowners $158 annually per $100,000 of appraised value -$3.58 more per month. Passing this November locks in the amount collected through 2030 and is calculated on today’s property valuation, not the increased valuation that becomes effective in 2024. Summit DD has been a good steward of taxpayer dollars by downsizing it’s building from a large campus in Tallmadge that was expensive to maintain to their two smaller localtions in Cuyahoga Falls and Barberton. 

[Ability to add personal note] 

I encourage all residents to vote YES on Issue 17 on or before November 7. A vote for Summit DD is a vote to empower more than 5,000 of our neighbors to live healthy and safe lives!  


[name and city]   

Sample Letter to Editor, Parent in Early Intervention

Dear Editor,   

Issue 17 is on the November 7 ballot to support the Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board (Summit DD). The passing of this replacement levy is critical to our community, particularly children under six years old who currently receive early intervention services. My son/daughter (name) and our family depend on these services on a daily basis. 

Summit DD provides more than 700 children with early intervention services. My own child has benefitted from this service, as it has helped [state the specific benefit].   

By voting YES on Issue 17 on or before November 7, we are ensuring that all supported by Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board will continue to receive the services they need to thrive. Passing the levy in November locks the value that you will be assessed on at today’s value, not the reappraised value that goes into effect in 20204. A vote for Summit DD is a vote for me!  



Write a Letter to the Editor

A letter to the editor is a great way to tell your story about why the passage of Issue 17 is critical to the community.  The letter to editor section is one of the most widely read parts of a newspaper, both in print and online, and can help raise awareness of the importance of Issue 17 passing in order to continue vital services to our community.   The most important aspects of a letter to the editor are: 1) It be short, usually under 150 words; 2) it tells a personal story, in this case how Summit DD has helped you; and 3) It ends with an action, or asking people to vote yes on Issue 17.

You can submit your letter to the editor using the submission guidelines outlined below for each media outlet.  We’ve assembled some sample letter to editors to get you started!

It’s that easy! And, it’s that essential to helping us pass this critical levy. Thank you for your support!

Sample Letters

Early Intervention Parent  |  Adult Parent  |  Provider Agency  |  General Public

Akron Beacon Journal

Should bear author’s full signature, faxed letters should also contain signature.  All letters must have the author’s address and daytime telephone number.  All letters are subject to editing. Authors may have only one letter published in a 30-day time period.

Mail:  Voice of the People, Akron Beacon Journal, P.O. Box 640, Akron OH 44309-0640

Email vop@thebeaconjournal.com

FAX: 330-996-3520

Leader Publications

Letters should be signed and include an address and daytime phone number.  No more than 500 words, letters are subject to editing.  No anonymous letters will be accepted.

Mail:  West Side Leader/South Side Leader, 3075 Smith Road, Suite 204, Akron, OH 44333.

Email: editor@akron.com 

FAX:  330-665-9590

Submit online: https://www.akron.com/submit-letter-to-the-editor/

Hudson Hub Times

Letters must include signature, address and daytime telephone number (will not be published) and be received by noon Thursday for consideration in the Sunday edition.  No more than 300 words. Must be submitted no later than October 26, 2023.

Email:  hudsonhubtimes@recordpub.com