Dee with her Summit DD Service and Support Administrator Sheri.

Dee & Sheri’s Story

Summit DD Service and Support Administrators (SSA) are at the heart of what we do. They make meaningful connections for those we serve through every stage of their lives. Recently, an individual who receives these essential services wanted to recognize the amazing efforts of their SSA. This is the story of Dee and Sheri.

“A few weeks back, I received a wonderful phone call from Dee. She wanted to know if she could recognize her SSA, Sheri Shay, for being the Best SSA Ever! She shared many wonderful things about her relationship with Sheri and how she has been so important in her life,” said Lisa Hennessy, Summit DD SSA Supervisor. Lisa then stepped in to help Dee plan a surprise party for Sheri.

On June 8th, Sheri walked into the Summit DD offices for a regularly scheduled meeting with her supervisor Lisa. Little did she know, that Dee and fellow Summit DD teammates were waiting to surprise her. The moment Sheri realized what was happening, she smiled and quickly embraced Dee. “You trying to make me cry, girl?” asked Sheri. Dee replied with a smile “…yes!”

Dee then asked Sheri to sit down as she read from a small notebook dedicated to Sheri’s impacts in her life. “Sheri has been working with me since 2008. She is more than just my SSA. She is my best friend! Whatever I set out to do, she has always been supportive. I have been through so much in my life and no matter what, Sheri has never let me down. I know Sheri has a lot of other clients, but she always makes time for me when I need her. Having her as my SSA has made a huge impact. I will love her forever. Sheri, I want you to know that I love you and on behalf of Summit DD I wanted to give you these flowers and this plaque. I love you and thanks for everything!” Dee proudly shared.

Sheri and Dee embraced and shared a few whispers as the crowd applauded. Through thick and thin, Sheri has been by Dee’s side. From difficult hospital visits to the pure joy of her recent wedding, Sheri was there. “We have a special bond. She is like family! Dee has the greatest heart and loves like no other. She has always been appreciative of what others have done for her and she makes sure you know it,” said Sheri.

“Sheri is an incredible SSA who truly cares about people. She goes above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of each person she touches. Relationships are everything! And Sheri exemplifies how to forge strong relationships through listening, reliability, trust, and compassion. The story of Dee and Sheri is heartwarming, and it leaves an everlasting impression!” Lisa concluded.

Summit DD is a levy funded government organization that provides and coordinates essential services for more than 5,000 people with developmental disabilities throughout Summit County. Whether it’s early intervention services for a newborn child or retirement services for a senior citizen, Summit DD provides a lifetime of support for those eligible for our services. By voting for Issue 17 on November 7th you ensure these services for your neighbors, classmates, coworkers and friends with developmental disabilities.

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